Starcraft Brood War Oblivion Download Mods

Posted on  by  admin

Ok I know Broodwar is old as hell.I KNOW there are not over 1 million active players on it anymore. But why does that mean we have to suffer. Does it cost you guys that much money to throw 1 or 2 reps back online and chance a few things in the game. Starcraft 2 wasnt for everyone, and honestly people who had no idea what Broodwar was before Starcraft 2 came out should be encouraged by you, to go give it a try. It was one of your first masteries and people STILL to this day log on it. I was there when Op schoolhouse AND Op WaReZ got closed down.

Ive seen hugh clusters of people come in, and leave. Today, right now, at 6 in the morning, there are 33 people in BW USA-1, 29 in USA-2, 33 in USA-3. And 25 in USA-4 (with people still being in others past here just not as high) Probably HALF of the good clans from back in the day are STILL around!

Op hell = + (W+ Op Abyss = sV I could literally go for days here. But all these people still hide in their respectful channels. I know our numbers are limited to the thousands. But we love the game and there has NEVER been ANY other game even somewhat close.

Where else can I go play the BEST game ever made called Heavens LAST Stand? Its like the best UMS game made (IMO OBV) but like.a REAL game could be made off this game alone. (Hell (Red,Brown,Orange) have to kill Heaven(Blue,Teal,Purple,Yellow,White) in less than 45 minutes. Each color has their own heroes, and its fun as hell. ANYWAYS there are people that still game.

And if there was just even one more patch, it would literally get rid of any of those in-gamers who have Oblivion. (because zynastor and all them are long gone for probably about 4 years now) Hacking is NOT a problem in Broodwar, I game DAILY. Sure you come across soem maphack nerds sometimes.

But like i said, 1 patch would destroy that. Others who read this please help share and pass along this CLASSIC once epic game and lets get it back alive. It shouldnt be avoided completley:(. I think that Brood War is fine as it is and should be played with gratitude that it's still on

I don't know many games that offer online play after its 5 year mark, let alone, 10, 15, yet Brood War still does this. Be happy with what you have and can do, SC2 is where the game generation have migrated to, and while many of us retro gamer enjoy legacy/Classic games, understand it could be where we don't have a server that is maintained like Blizzard does for Bnet. Count your blessings, not complain that you want fixes made that many hardcore fans already do via mods. I respect the love and tenacity many players have, but respect the company for what they still offer, not what they don't.

03:56 PMPosted by understand it could be where we don't have a server that is maintained like Blizzard does for Bnet. Blizzard does little to 'maintain' these servers nowadays. Bots are plaguing the games and hackers are ruining the experience for whoever is still playing on Bnet, along with many more issues. There are private servers that effectively utilize volunteers to maintain their servers and they function fine, even better than Blizzard's. Let's not even discuss how Blizzard screwed the BW scene because of the incident with KeSPA. 03:56 PMPosted by Count your blessings, not complain that you want fixes made that many hardcore fans already do via mods. Tell me how many antihacks are there left for BW?

Starcraft Brood War Mods

If you know the answer, there's only one, and it's designed to only allow Koreans to use(and comes with lots of adverts). OP's request is reasonable, BW can be recompiled with a couple clicks and then the offsets of data will be shuffled around which will break compatibility with current hacks and requiring the authors to put some effort in to update their hacks to work with the new patch, except that all the hack authors are gone now. Why would you oppose this when there's already a Classic Games Team that is supposed to deal with the issues of these classic games? Host Primate matched over LAN, Even i use Hamatchi when I have a BW fever.

Starcraft Brood War Oblivion Download Mods

I don;t worry about map hacks or other servers, I worry what I can control, not what I can't. Simply complaining about it in this way will not sway Blizzard to ACT on it. Saying that private server do better then Blizzard is laughable at best (this is just my opinion of course). If you don't liek what Blizzard still offers, there is s simple solution that others follow.

Try something else, that you like. Blizzard is not around to hold everyone's hand and make us all happy.

I think they do pretty dang good as is. There is an old wise saying 'you get what you get and you don;t throw a fit' (Opinions are opinions, while we are all entitled to them, we can always agree to disagree).

MASTERS OF HOLOCAUST What would happen if World War 2 was fought 200 years in the future, instead of in the 1940's? This mod answers that question. MoH is me & my teams SMC entry mod.

As stated above, it is centered around World War 2, about 200 years in the future. It was originally going to have 6 factions, but we decided against it due to lack of time.

So, it just includes 2, beefed up factions, ready to fight each other to the death. The factions are the Allies, and the Axis. (Duh) This mod is Multiplayer only!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! This mod requires version 1.15.1 of starcraft in order to be played. To downgrade, look here: Now, the second part. Because of using an older version, that means you cant play on Battlenet.

You have two choices. Its a LAN emulator, it will let you play over the UDP connection with anyone in the world. 2: Unofficial Battlenet server: The most popular one is Shadowflare's Realm. It support all versions of starcraft. To set up Shadowflare's Realm Server, look here: Have fun! In reply to all of your (Now deleted for idiocy) comments, this has nothing against the Jewish religion at all.

The mod is like the game Company of Heroes, its only the Axis and Allies fighting. What honestly makes this different from any other WW2 games besides the name and timeframe? I never knew that the word 'holocaust' automatically offended everyone and makes the mod stupid. If I do offend anyone, I am sorry, it was not intentional. I have nothing against the Jewish religion at all.

Starcraft Brood War Cheat Codes

I was simply trying to make a mod along an odd storyline I thought of. Now, to you Mechanix, stop judging mods by their names and voting 1 because the storyline is different from your average mod. If you have something against the mods name, then don't download it.

Simple as that. Shut up, walk away.

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