Exemple Connaissement Maritime Pdf Printer

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Preparing an academic project at the Post Graduation Level should serve as the very base of further practical projects likely to be taken up by the candidate during his future career. Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues, a French Author has very well said that Men despise great projects when they do not feel themselves capable of great successes. But it is normally seen that academic projects are a result of the candidate’s feeling that he is really capable of undertaking the proposed project. With the same conception in my mind, I have made an honest attempt to study the “Carriage of goods by Sea.” The time that has been passed/invested in searching here and there and everywhere fo r anything relevant to carriage by sea and its associated rules has given me a fair idea as to how merely roaming in the sea of in ternet add value to your research skill and of course the knowledge of the topic you searched for.

Though able efforts have been made to focus the study paper entirely only on the carriage of goods by sea, it may be that some point in time the paper may seem deviating from the topic due to the fact that it is necessary to introduce relative information about the topic also. Carriage by Sea as a discipline has always been a dynamic issue which expands its scope along with changes in commercial world. This topic can be said to be important from the point of view of international trade as well as sale of goods-both of which are part of the course being pursued. The research carried out by the student independently helps him gain a lot of knowledge. This is my own experience also in this research journey and preparation of this project report. I hope the reader will have some good idea about the topic having gone through this study paper and that is the only criteria of the success or otherwise of this study paper. Who helped me till the very last minute (at the oddest of hours) of the final dictate and supported me summing up the work without whom this work would not have reached this place.

However, the student has tried very hard to make the research paper as thorough as possible. This attempt at a good research paper however humble would not have been possible had the student not been given a chance to work on it. The student therefore would like to thank the faculty in charge for entrusting the student with the area of research herein. But I still fail to understand the scarcity of this page to put in the efforts of all those people who helped me and guided me through this small part of the paper that I have completed.

Anything that I do in my life is incomplete without the blessings of GOD who are my parents only.

Exemple Connaissement Maritime Pdf Printer Driver

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