Driver Safety Plan Final Report Template

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  1. Safety Summary Report Template
  2. Free Site Safety Plan Template
  3. Health And Safety Report Template

An alcohol or drug assessment is an interview between a driver and an alcohol and other drug abuse assessor (AODA). The assessor identif​ies the driver’s alcohol/drug use. As part of the assessment, the assessor develops a driver safety plan for the driver. When an assessment is required Anyone convicted of a operating while intoxicated (OWI) related offense is required to contact the approved assessment facility for their county of residence within 72 hours of conviction. Anyone with multiple OWI arrests/convictions over a specified period of time is ordered by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) to have an assessment within 45 days. Second and subsequent OWI convictions require completion of an assessment before eligibility for an occupational license. An individual may voluntarily obtain an assessment after an arrest.

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Information for the authorized assessment facility is available in your. Wisconsin does not accept online assessments or online alcohol education/counseling programs under any circumstances. ​Driver safety plans Driver safety plans for alcohol/drug related convictions are education or rehabilitation programs based on findings. For example, when an assessor identifies drivers as:.

Irresponsible Users, they are generally sent to a Group Dynamics-Traffic Safety program. Irresponsible Users-Borderline, they are generally a combination of education and short-term, outpatient counseling. Suspected Chemical Dependent, they are generally sent to outpatient treatment programs. Chemically Dependent, they are generally sent to inpatient or intensive outpatient treatment programs. Dependency in Remission, any combination of treatment or education. After the assessment The assessor submits a report to the DMV. The Alcohol and Drug Review Unit in the Bureau of Driver Services screens the report to see whether:.

Safety Summary Report Template

​the assessment and driver safety plan are appropriate. the assessor recommends the individual for a license. the assessment mentions all OWI related offenses ​The person may be eligible for a license once the assessment and plan are submitted. ​Non-compliant drivers All licenses are withdrawn, including occupational licenses, if a person receives another arrest for OWI while in a plan or does n​​ot:. appear for an assessment. comply with a driver safety plan.

pay the fee for the assessment or the driver safety​​ plan For more information:. ​.


Breadcrumbs. Current: Driver Safety Program Driver Safety Program State law provides that persons convicted of two or more traffic offenses within a 12-month period may be required to complete a BMV-approved Driver Safety Program (DSP). Individuals under 21 years of age are required to complete a DSP if, they are convicted of two or more traffic offenses, involved in two or more accidents, or a combination of the two. When the BMV is notified of these convictions, a DSP course must be completed within 90 days or driving privileges will be suspended. Notification of this requirement is mailed from the BMV.

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A court may also require an individual to complete a DSP course and use this requirement as an alternative to suspension of driving privileges; however, the court order may not specifically require participation in a BMV-approved DSP. Any Indiana driver can take a DSP course. The BMV will apply a 4 point credit to an Indiana Official Driver Record for successful completion of a BMV-approved DSP.

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The credit may only be applied once every three years. However, if an additional course is completed, the time period of the credit will be extended for three years from the new course completion date. The BMV has approved a variety of programs. The DSP curriculum is available in a classroom, DVD or online format. All of the providers have the same curriculum standards and all courses are a minimum of four hours in duration.

Safety summary report template

The DSP courses do not teach an individual how to drive; however, the courses do provide information that will help improve defensive driving skills. The maximum cost for any of the BMV-approved DSP courses is $55. All drivers taking a DSP must pay any fees associated with the course. Allow 7 to 10 business days for completion results to be processed.

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