Free Download Animated Clipart For Powerpoint 2007

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. If you need then we have a section with free animated templates for PowerPoint that you can download and use in any. There are many transitions that you can also make use of in your PowerPoint presentation, however, starting with an animated PowerPoint template lets you avoid spending so much time creating the animated templates from scratch. Below are various methods that you can use for adding animations and effects in PowerPoint. How To Add Animations in PowerPoint The most common method of adding animations in PowerPoint is to explore the various options within the Animations tab in PowerPoint. To see details about these animations check out our post about or this guide about.

  1. Animated Clip Art For Powerpoint
  2. Free Clipart For Powerpoint Slides

Alternatively, check out our short guide given below, followed by a video demonstration. Three Step Guide For Adding Animations in PowerPoint. Adding animations to a PowerPoint slide is easy, just follow the following steps to animate an object in PowerPoint: Step 1: Click on the object that you wish to animate in a slide. Step 2: Select an Animation to apply to it. You can also apply multiple animations to the same object, as well as select which direction the animation effect is displayed from (via Effect Options). Step 3: Preview your animation or play it in Slide Show mode.

How To Add Animations And Time Them in PowerPoint The below video by Microsoft demonstrates how you can add and time your animation effects in PowerPoint. How To Add Transition Effects in PowerPoint In PowerPoint 2007, 2010 and 2013 there are many already defined animated effects that you can use from within the Animations or Transitions tab.

For example, you may choose to use cool animations for PowerPoint like Cover effects, Blinds effect, Shape Diamond effect, Wheel effect, etc. Usually, users start with a blank PowerPoint presentation file or a readymade template with no effects. When you start building your slides, you can add new effects from the Transitions tab. When the presentation is played in slide show mode, your audience will see the applied transition between the slides. You can also add effects (Animation Styles) via the Animations tab.

If you have multiple slides you can choose the effects individually for each slide or if you want to apply the same animation/transition effect to your entire PowerPoint presentation, you can also do that. Under Transitions tab in PowerPoint, there are more than 30 transitions that you can use to animate your PowerPoint slides.

It is worth mentioning here that each Transition has its own unique value and using the right mix of transitions is the key to a successful presentation. You can find out about the utility of PowerPoint transitions from our posts about. Easy Method Of Creating Custom Animations in PowerPoint If you don’t want to animate the background but instead you want to use custom animation, then you can achieve that by using your own animated clipart or original clipart from PowerPoint with custom animated effects. In the following example we created a new slide and added a Clipart image. Then we choose Custom Animation from the Animations menu tab. Once there, you can add new effects like transitions, entrances, exit animation, shadow, special effects and more.

This functionality makes it possible to create attractive PowerPoint presentations by combining not only images, media or text, but also animated effects in PowerPoint. Use Animated PowerPoint Templates To Make Life Easy!

Another fine method of adding animations to PowerPoint is to use animated templates that are pre-rendered with video animations. These templates come with appropriate place holders which mix with your added text, images and videos to provide you with a professional looking and eye-catching animated presentation. For more details, see our guides regarding the use of.

If you enjoyed the above guide, then do check out our collection of more than 3000 free that can help you make professional looking presentations on any topic imaginable. Related Posts.

In PowerPoint 2007 you can apply lot of effects to your PowerPoint slide design and images. For example, if you have an image used as. In PowerPoint 2010 you can add multiple effects to enhance your presentation look and feel. In particular, you can add text shadow effects to the. Sometimes you need to show a webpage in a PowerPoint slideshow and a possible solution is using the external link feature that is available almost.


VisualBee is a Microsoft PowerPoint addin that helps you enhance a PowerPoint presentation. By downloading VisualBee for PowerPoint 2007 or PowerPoint 2010 you can create. Silhouettes are nice because they give your presentation a touch of personality without showing real photos or faces.

The following mini-tutorial will let you know how.

Animated Clip Art For Powerpoint

Experts don't care for clipart, but it offers an alternative for the non-artists among us (that includes me). With a few basic skills, you can turn a piece of clipart into a purposeful message using animation. In this article, you'll ungroup a clipart object and then animate individual pieces to create a simple spring scene. I've kept the example simple to keep you focused on the tools rather than the art. (This article includes instructions for PowerPoint 2003 through 2010.) Note: You can for this technique if you want to see it in action.

1: Insert the clipart You can work with most any graphic, as long as PowerPoint can ungroup it. The example clipart file is available. Download it and then insert it as follows:. Click the Insert tab. In PowerPoint 2003, choose Picture from the Insert menu and then choose From File. Skip to step 3.

In the Images group, click Picture. Locate your file, as shown in Figure A. Double-click it or select it and click Insert. Now you're ready to ungroup the aggregate so you can work with its many pieces, as follows:. Select the object and click the contextual Format tab.

In 2003, right-click the picture, choose Grouping, choose Ungroup, and then skip to step 3. Choose Ungroup from the Group option's drop-down (in the Arrange group), as shown in Figure B.

If PowerPoint dims the Group option, you can't ungroup the selected object using PowerPoint. Without specialized knowledge, it's easier to find a new graphic to work with. When PowerPoint prompts you to convert the object, click Yes.

Repeat step 2 to ungroup the object a second time. Figure C shows the resulting pieces, ungrouped and selected. Figure B The Group drop-down is an icon in the Arrange group. Figure C PowerPoint ungroups the many pieces in the graphic file, enabling you to work with them individually. 4: Strip out the extra pieces At this point, assess the pieces you've just ungrouped to discern what you don't need. Click the areas you want to remove and paste them to another slide for safekeeping.

You can always press Ctrl+Z to undo something. Figure D shows the example graphic with the borders and background shapes removed. After deleting the letters in the middle (Spring), I also added more raindrops and a third cloud. Figure D Remove the pieces you don't need and add more where necessary.

This step can be involved and tedious. You can select several pieces at once by dragging and selecting. Be sure you save your work periodically. 5: Start the shower We want the raindrops to fall from the sky in a gentle shower. To make this happen, select them all — just hold down the Shift key while you click each one.

With the raindrops selected, do the following:. Click the Animations tab. In 2003, choose Custom Animations from the Slide Show menu.

From the Animation drop-down, choose More Entrance Effects (just below the gallery thumbnails). In 2003, use the Add Effect drop-down in the Custom Animation pane. In the resulting dialog, select Float Down (in the Moderate section), as shown in Figure E. In 2003, use the Descend effect. Figure E We'll use Float Down effect to simulate rain falling from the sky.

6: Randomize the timing You can preview the slide in Normal view by clicking the Animation Pane option in the Advanced Animation group and clicking Play. As is, the raindrops fall in unison. You might like that effect, but random raindrops are probably more interesting.

Create random rainfall as follows:. Display the Animation pane if necessary. Click the first animation's drop-down and choose Start After Previous, as shown in Figure F. Doing so automates the sequence during the slide show.

Repeat step 2 for each of the raindrops, selecting either Start After Previous or Start With Previous. Some animations will require precision, but we're simulating raindrops, so the more random, the better. Play the animation to check your settings and change the start settings until you're satisfied. Figure F Choose a start setting. 7: Mix up the timing You can also make specific raindrops fall faster or slower. Select a small group of raindrops by dragging the mouse over them. Doing so will select the animation items (in the Animation pane) for those objects.

Then, do the following:. Right-click the selection and choose Timing, as shown in Figure G. In the resulting dialog, change the Delay setting shown in Figure H to 0.5 seconds (or a slower speed). Figure G Change the timing for small groups of raindrops. Figure H Reduce the setting to speed up some of the raindrops.

Free Clipart For Powerpoint Slides

8: Grow flowers The next animation will simulate growing flowers. To create this animation, do the following:. Hold down the Shift key while you click the flower heads to create a multi-selection. Select only the petal components of each flower (no leaves or stems). From the Animation gallery, choose Grow/Shrink. In 2003, use the Change drop-down to select the Grow/Shrink Emphasis effect. Right now, the flowers grow after all the raindrops have fallen, so let's mix that up a bit.

With all the flowers still selected (you can tell because their animation icons are orange instead of white) right-click their block of animation items (in the Animation pane) and choose Start With Previous, setting all of them at once, as shown in Figure I. Figure I All the flowers are now set to grow with the previous animation. 9: Move the 'growing' animations Step 8 probably doesn't make much sense, as it doesn't change much — -not yet. To disperse the growing flowers, we need to change the order in which PowerPoint triggers them. First, select a raindrop near or above a flower to select that raindrop's animation in the Animation pane. Figure J shows Freeform 98 selected, just above the first flower on the left. Now, here's what you do:.

After noting a raindrop above the flower (Freeform 98), select the flower (Freeform 189) in the Animation pane. Using the Reorder arrow (at the bottom of the Animation pane), move the flower (Freeform 189) up until it's immediately below the raindrop (Freeform 98), as shown in Figure K. Figure J Note the animation item for a raindrop above the flower. Figure K Fig Move the flower's animation to just below the corresponding raindrop's animation.

Here's where step 8 comes in. Because the trigger is Start With Previous, the flower seems to grow when the raindrop above, falls.

Now, reorder the remaining flower animations, as follows:. Freeform 185 below Freeform 194. Freeform 181 below Freeform 196.

Freeform 177 below Freeform 201. Freeform 173 below Freeform 99. Freeform 193 below Freeform 103. Figure L shows some of the items in the Animation pane. As you can see, the Grow/Shrink animation items are interspersed throughout the Float Down items. Before, they all followed the Float Down items. Figure L The Animation pane shows the reordered items.

10: Let it rain! The last step is to play the animation by pressing F5. If you're running the downloadable demo, click past the first slide, which contains the original graphic, and enjoy the spring shower. Figure M is just a single moment; it shows about half the raindrops and a couple of grown flowers. Figure M Watch the spring showers nourish the flowers.

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