Cara Instal Dual Os Windows Xp Dan Ubuntu

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On this page. Dual-Booting Windows XP/Vista And Ubuntu 7.04 In this tutorial I will teach you how to dual-boot between Windows XP/Vista and Ubuntu. This tutorial will be split up into two parts:. Part one for people who have no operating system installed.

Part two for people who have Windows XP/Vista installed and don't want to re-install Windows. Municipal league of arkansas handbook. Part 1: Fresh start In this part I will go though every step from installing Windows and Ubuntu to creating the dual-boot. Windows XP + Ubuntu 7.04 What you will need:. Windows XP Boot Disk. Ubuntu 7.04 Boot Disk Make sure your computer is set to boot from a CD.

To check this go into your BIOS. From there go to 'Boot' and go to 'Boot Priorities'. Make sure CD-ROM is set to boot first and you're all set. Installing Windows XP Now I am going go over how to install Windows XP step-by-step.

Make sure your XP boot up disk is in the CD-ROM and start your PC. A blue MS-DOS screen will load up first asking you if you want to install drivers or run an Automated System Recovery. Just wait for them to go by and then Windows will begin to load files needed to install XP. Now you will see a Welcome to Setup screen. From here just press Enter. Agree to the license agreement by pressing F8.

Now to the important part of this installation. You will now see a screen where you will tell Windows XP to install itself. We aren't going to give XP the entire hard drive as we will be giving some to Ubuntu also.

Press the C button on your keyboard to create a new partition. You will now see a screen in which you can edit the size of our new partition. Depending on your hard drive size and preference, determine the amount of gigabytes (GB) you are going to give XP to use. After you have chosen the size hit Enter to create the partition. Note -. Windows XP requires at least 1.5 gigabytes of hard drive space.

Cara Install Dual Os Windows Xp Dan Ubuntu Update

1000 megabytes (MB)= 1 gigabyte (GB). So when entering XP's partition make sure to write it as 90000 instead of 90, because it reads in megabytes, not gigabytes. You will now be brought back to the screen in step 4.

Highlight the new partition you created and press Enter to install. The next screen will ask you how you would like to format the partition (FAT32 or NTFS). The choice is up to you and what you prefer. If you need help then check out this article. Regardless of your choice, choose the quick option as this will make the installation go a whole lot quicker. The last step before Windows installs itself onto your system. Just press F to begin formatting.

Now just wait. After the installation has completed your system will reboot and now it is time to finish up installing Windows XP. This part should be pretty self-explanatory so I will let you complete it with your own choices. You have fully installed Windows XP on your system. Activate windows if you want or do anything thing else to it. When ready go on to the next part to install Ubuntu and get the dual-boot up.

Installing Ubuntu 7.04 + Dual-Boot Again make sure your computer is set to boot from CD-ROM. Insert the Ubuntu 7.04 boot disk and start up your computer. The boot screen will come up next. Highlight the Start or install Ubuntu choice and press Enter. Be patient while the loader goes back and forth.

This may take a few minutes. After that Ubuntu will load up and you will be presented with a very bare screen. Double click on the Install icon to begin setting up Ubuntu.

After you double-click on the install icon it will first ask you to pick your preferred language. Choose one and click Forward.

Cara install dual os windows xp dan ubuntu 10

The next screen will ask you to pick a location near you for time purposes. Now to choose your keyboard layout. Most commonly it is U.S English. Once again it is time to partition your hard drive. From this screen make sure that Manual is checked and click Forward.

Now you should see a screen entitled Prepare partitions. We are now going to create the partition in which Ubuntu will run on plus a file called 'SWAP' to act as virtual memory. First let's create the SWAP file. Click on New partition. The SWAP file won't need a whole lot of space to run, so just give it 512 megabytes which will be more than enough for it to run. Now just change the Use as: option to SWAP while keeping the type of partition as Primary and the location as Beginning.

Click OK to add it. Now make sure free space is highlighted and click New partition again. This time we will add the hard drive space for Ubuntu to use. Give it what ever amount of space you would like depending on your hard drive space. Just remember to give it at least 2 GB though I recommend you give it much more.

Now change the Use as: to ext3 and keep the rest of the settings the same. Click OK to add. Next right-click on the partition ext3 and click edit. From here change the mount point to a forward slash / and click OK. You should see a screen similar to this one, but with the partition NTFS on it. Last thing to do before proceeding is check the box next to ext3 to format and then click Forward.

The next screen is going to ask you if you want to import any accounts you may have on Windows XP. If you want to do it, if not just proceed. Time to enter your personal information. Just as a note: your login has to be all lowercase letters. Now just confirm all the information and click Install to start enjoying the beauty of Linux!

End Notes Well congratulations you have just fully installed both Windows XP and Ubuntu 7.04 to run on the same system under a dual-boot! I hope you enjoyed reading this as I have had a blast writing it. Quick thanks to for letting me use the Windows XP installation images! I've used the following routine: 1. Partition your disk with PartitionMagic (alternatively GParted booting from a livecd) so that it would contain 2 NTFS partitions and an empty space for Ubuntu. Install WinXP to the first NTFS partition 3.

Launch PartitionMagic again and hide the partition you just installed WinXP to. This will prevent Vista from screwing things up. Install Vista to the second partition.

Unhide the WinXP partition. Install Ubuntu letting it do automatic partitioning. Grub will catch up the existing windows installations and a triple boot would work out. Thanks for this. I'm planning to install Linux on my sister's new laptop that has Vista on it, and was wondering about how to shrink the Win partition and set up new ones.

Sounds like it's easier than it used to be. For those of us who don't know Vista and don't especially want to, the tutorial saves a lot of research effort. There are two points you might want to clarify: -Windows used to need defragging before shrinking the partition. Does the new Shrink utility take care of this automatically? -What's the minimium recommended size for retaining a functioning Vista installation? First, there is no identified 'Part 2' as promised by the lead paragraphs (' Part two for people who have Windows XP/Vista installed and don't want to re-install Windows').

Second, and more important (but perhaps I am in error), Part 2 //should// have included the steps to shrink a Windows partition to create space for Ubuntu The Vista online instructions are NOT clear on this (as a hardcopy tech writer I am NOT surprised). I read in Part 1 that the HD needs to be partitioned, but the //suggestion// made by the 'Part 2:' statement (ibid.) was that if Windows already was installed, the reader could skip Part 1. I don't klnow what would happen if someone (e.g., a Unix novice like this scrivener) stuck the Ubu CD in the drive and just left Ubu's installer 'do its thing;' possibly no more Windows.

(Windows has drivers for home/small office hardware Ubu still lacks - and THAT is what is keeping Ubu off many office and home machines or forcing dual-boot on others.) jg.

To install Ubuntu 12.04, first download the ISO file from You can get either the 32bit or 64bit, and that depends on you system's processor. To dual boot Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows OS first make sure that one of your drives is empty, or in your case have an empty partition. When you get to the installation type screen, in order to dual boot Ubuntu 12.04 select the option ” Something else”. Select the drive that shows the free space, and click on New Partition Table option. After clicking on it, a window will come up asking you to define the partition size. Choose the desired size, a window swill come up telling you that you have selected whole drive, just click continue. In the “Use as” option select “Ext4 journalling file system”.

This is the latest file system in Linux and select mount point as “/“. Click on add, to add a swap area. Once that's finished you may click on “Install Now”. If more help is needed to accomplish you task of installing Ubuntu along side Windows XP, I would suggest that you take a look. This example uses an 8GB hard Drive you hard drive size may vary.

I use both Windows XP Home Edition, with Ubuntu wubi installed. Lately, I have been using Ubuntu wubi more often, and it is not, that I don't like WIndows XP, I LOVE it. However tho, I find that Ubuntu wubi works just as well as Windows XP does, and can use most applications on Ubuntu wubi, that are comparable to Windows XP. Further more, I am NOT giving up on my Windows XP, it IS, still a good Windows OS, much and far better then that gawd awful Windows 8 that Microsoft will be, or has released. If you want a Ubuntu OS, that will work well under a Windows XP installation, then I highly recommend wubi. That allows you to keep your Windows XP installation, but also run a Ubuntu Linux installation of wubi.

Also, WHY, I run wubi in Windows XP, is that it gives me a good alternative to that gawd awful Windows 8, which I will NEVER upgrade to. I do have Windows 7 Basic Home Edition, but THAT is it, for ANY Windows OS for me. BUT, do give wubi a try, and you can also run wubi from a DVD as well, IF you want to just try it out first, before you install it. Yes I have my desktop too which got only 40 GB hard disk and I had C D E, with C In windows, And E for Ubuntu which got 15 GB Drive.

You too can do as well. Simple do one thing. Go to this link l Download the Wubi based UBUNTU ISO, MD5Sum for checking that you got the exact copy of Ubuntu ISO. Get Unetbootin software. Get the ISO install in USB.

And Now, on your windows, E Drive is far enough for Ubuntu. Partition it or back up the data if it contains to some other drive, if 'D'. Connect the USB when your Windows is up and running. You will see a UBuntu USB Image. Double click. It will ask you 'Install inside Windows' Click that which directs you to which drive you need Ubuntu to be install.

Cara Instal Dual Os Windows Xp Dan Ubuntu

Follow steps.

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